AI-Sales assistant

Predict in real-time which prospective customers to engage with!

Radically improve the customer buying experience by targeting your prospective customers, at the right time, with the right message.

Start building customer relationships even before they become active buyers, and set the stage for higher conversion rates.

Drastically save on preparation time and convert cold leads into hot leads with your real-time AI-Sales assistant. 

Get 5 prospective customers for free, now!

World Economic Forum Startup Innovation Award 2023
The London AI Awards 2023
Global Winner Google Cloud Startup Program 2023
Technology Innovators Top 50 AI CEOs Of 2023
Wealth and Finance International: Best Finance Analysis Platform 2023
World Economic Forum - Disruptive Technology Excellence Award 2024
DigitalFirst Magazine Most Innovative Companies in Europe 2023

Why are you not closing more deals today?

Key Benefits

Targeted Engagement

Connect with your prospective customers at the right moment with a tailored message.

Personalized Approach

Designed to meet your unique business needs in real-time.

Efficient Lead Conversion

Convert cold leads into hot calls with minimal preparation time.

Real-Time Updates

Stay ahead with your AI-Sales assistant that evolves with your market in real-time.

Contextual Conversations

Enhance sales interactions by personalizing them according to your prospective customers context, based on real-time signals.

Transform Your Sales with Our Cutting-Edge AI-Sales assistant

In today's competitive market, delivering a seamless and tailored customer experience is crucial.
Our AI-Sales assistant ensures you engage with your prospective customers at the right time, with the right message.

Engage Early, Convert Faster

Start building customer relationships and set the stage for higher conversion rates, reduce preparation time and effortlessly turn cold calls into hot leads.

Personalized, Real-Time Engagement

Our real-time updates allow you to personalize every sales conversation based on the customer's signals, ensuring your interacting is always relevant and impactful. Experience the power of precise, timely engagement. Watch your sales go through the roof.

The Award-Winning Self-Machine-Learning Platform™

Use our app-based Platform as a Service (PaaS) and get practical business results today!

  • It's your own virtual AI-assistant
  • Global reach
  • Facilitates co-creation
  • Personalized
  • No need for an army of data scientists
  • Simple to use
  • Green AI in its DNA
  • Complete transparently about the reasoning
  • License fee 399 € /user per month
  • Customer retain ownership of the data & self-generated algorithms

Ready to use

In real-time usage of the Self-ML Platform™, with a clear interface designed for non-data scientists. These are our AI-assistants.


The AI-assistant is personalized to your needs and allows you to build your own custom apps.


Use the most highly regarded AI frameworks, such as Spark, R, Elastic and TensorFlow.  

Widely applicable

The Self-ML Platform™ can be used across all industry verticals and manage multiple projects in different units at the same time.


PaaS model with fixed and/or shared monthly rates. Continuous updates, support and hosting included. 

Let's talk

Book a Demo now to see the AI-Sales assistant in action.